D20 | The ______ | Wronged me by _____ | And they ____ | So I demand _____ | You _____ |
1 | Abbot/Abbess | Catcalling me | Are a werewolf | A public whipping! | Addled Cur! |
2 | Baker | Cavorting with Fairies | Are different from us | A stockading! | Beef-Witted Louse! |
3 | Blacksmith | Cheating at cards | Are possessed by a demon | A weregild! | Churlish stampcrab! |
4 | Brewer | Coveting my cabbages | Are three goblins in a trenchcoat | Confess publicly! | Donkey Eared Whoreson |
5 | Butcher | Cursing my child | Bathe every day | Their hand be cut off! | Eater of Broken Meats! |
6 | Farmer | Drying up my cows | Dance naked in the moonlight | They be catapulted into the wilderness! | Liar-Liar Pants on Fire! |
7 | Gong Farmer | Getting my dog pregnant | Didn’t reciprocate oral sex | They be handled over to the church! | Meanie-Face! |
8 | Grocer | Giving me the evil eye | Dress in weird clothes | They be hobbled! | Misbegotten Cretin! |
9 | Haberdasher | Giving me the Pox | Farted on the Sabbath | They be imprisoned forever! | Obnoxious Wandought! |
10 | Hermit | Gossiping about my fidelity | Fed my goat magic mushrooms | They be stoned! | Pig-smelling Quisby! |
11 | Mason | Insulting my honor | Frighten my children | They be thrown into The Pit! | Pox Ridden Knave! |
12 | Mayor | Overcharging me | Left dirty linens in my house to make rats | They be thrown into the river! | Saddle-Goose! |
13 | Merchant | Pissing in the well | Revealed their genitals to me | They complete three impossible tasks! | Screaming Pisswizard! |
14 | Miller | Praying harder than me | Secrete foul miasmas | They eat shit and die! | Sheep Sarding Salamander! |
15 | Minstrel | Reanimating my poor dead Nana | Spoiled the ending of the Mystery Play | They marry my useless child! | Thrice-Damned Arseclown! |
16 | Rat-Catcher | Saying No-no Words | Stole my magic beans | They wash my feet! | Toad-Spawned Wastrel! |
17 | Soldier | Screwing my sheep | Tempted me with heretical thoughts | To do to them what they did to me! | Two-Faced Cockwomble! |
18 | Tailor | Shitting on my stoop | Treat with suspicious folk | Trial by Bees? | Weasel-Blowing Bastard! |
19 | Tanner | Stealing my baby | Turned me into a newt | Trial by combat! | Whiffle-Waffling Lubberwort! |
20 | Tinker | Stealing my spouse | Were doing math | Trial by fire! | Wolf-Suckled Shitstain |